Hi, it's me again, asking another question ( I hope that's is the right place ).
It's been a while since I setup a Nuclear reactor (last was a couple years ago, in 1.6.4), and was wondering if it changed too much.
I was reading the IC² forums and they mention a Hu output (heat unit, I assume), so that means that I'll need to do conversions to get EU now (heat -> steam -> EU)?
The Reactor that outputs EU directly don't exists anymore?
I asking here, because I only use IC² with gregtech, and want to know how it would work on a GT environment.

Nuclear Power (IC²) with Gregtech 5u
Both the electric and heat reactors exist. There's very little documentation on the heat variant but the actual reactor design (component layout) is mostly unchanged). You make the electric reactor the same way you always did. To make a heat reactor make an electric reactor and surround it by a 5x5x5 of reactor pressure vessel blocks. You'll need fluid hatches to get coolant in and out and an access hatches to change components. You'll get roughly twice the power out of a heat reactor compared to its electric equivalent. You could do the heat to EU conversion through IC2 but the GT5U large heat exchanger is a bit nicer to get steam. In order to get EU you'll need small or large turbines. The large turbines are mostly a pain in the ass to work with and require an absurd amount of upkeep materials but provide much higher efficiency.
Oh, thank you!
I'm a little tired of steam turbines, so I'll play a little with the electric one.
Maybe later I get the other one.