Suggestion: Dynamo Block

  • Name:
    Dynamo Block

    When you right click on this block it will create 1 EU.
    You can only send it trough cables because 1 EU is just too small amount of energy.
    Or if sand or gravel fall on this block from height at least 2 (or 3) it would create X energy.
    I really don´t know how much energy it should create.
    Maybe if gravel would fall on this block it would create more energy.


    RI - Refined Iron
    L - Lever
    M - Machine Block

    • Official Post

    What would be the purpose of this? I know you're trying to convert Mechanical Energy into Electrical Energy, which we currently only have two generators that do that (Wind and Water mills) and produce at least 10 times that amount of energy (Based on the cap of 20 FPS, and each Machine producing a minimum of 1 EU/s). Based on IC already being Sprite heavy, I highly doubt that this Idea will be approved by Al, unless it's fleshed out a lot more (Possibly something other than a manual trigger, a higher Eu output because of the material cost, etc).

  • Yes, 1 EU is really small amount but i dont know the ratio Price : Power.
    And how could I improve it? I dont have any other ideas, its like normal dynamo.
    And I think that how many EU does it produce per click thats AL´s thing.
    Maybe some sort of Energy bar that will show your energy before you must sleep, but that would be hell to code.
    By the way I dont know anything about programming so I dont know how hard that would be to code.