Hey Human's & Other's,
Our Server has been up and running for just over a year now.
We decided to keep our current map as one player had only just joined 3 months ago and has done alot in his base.
Currently there is about 6 of us still in the bronze age/early LV era.
This new update comes with a quest book to help you navigate through gregtech, which is pretty cool.
Our player base is mainly from New Zealand & Australia but New players from Russia, USA, & Europe have recently joined.
Location: Dunedin, New Zealand.
Map Started: 20th July 2015
- Infitech 2 v3.2.16 (Updated October 2016)
- Packcode: 17infitech
- 1Gbs Fibre Internet Connection
The No No's
- No Griefing
- No Looting other Player's Bases
- Don't Be a Dick
If you would like to join Email me your IGN. (fasted way to get a response as I don't check this forum often)