Yeh i can see why you wanted to right that angry letter to notch....

► Gult's Gorge - 1.6.4 Free2Play | HOSTED | NO WHITELIST | Buycraft | Teamspeak ATLAUNCHER EASY INSTALL IC2, PROJECT RED, Buildcraft, Forestry, Applied Energistics, Bibliocraft, Binnies mod, Compact solars,Extra Cells, Gregtech, IC2 Nuclear Controls,
- Levint7012
- Closed
Whitelist updated
Phaser back in the regs begood
And people don't believe me when i say vanilla minecraft has more bugs then most mods combined..
And people don't believe me when i say vanilla minecraft has more bugs then most mods combined..
I believe you now :3
Based on what I have read everyone is having these issues and a few mods are being done to help resolve them but testing it myself they don't seem to play great with our mods so still working on it
Based on what I have read everyone is having these issues and a few mods are being done to help resolve them but testing it myself they don't seem to play great with our mods so still working on it
i must of missed something
I cant connect and when i do i endlessly fall in a snow biome
I cant connect and when i do i endlessly fall in a snow biome
well seeing as snow biome's don't exist in 1.8 (tear) then you must have been have been trying to log on during the severe lag, levin is doing a hard reset.
He is right... lag monster attacks.
Redpower prerelease 2 with SMP support was launched today so be looking for news on the new server map and start gathering what you want to take with you! it's 10 AM now so barring any catastrophic issues we should have a new map by this time tomorrow possibly sometime tonight depending on how quickly everyone moves their items to the vault.
could you add me to a white list please?
I was never banned, and i'd like to built something enormousNickname Rasenk
Can I join the server? I recently installed IC2 and would like to try it on a server
IGN- tim13211
Redpower prerelease 2 with SMP support was launched today so be looking for news on the new server map and start gathering what you want to take with you! it's 10 AM now so barring any catastrophic issues we should have a new map by this time tomorrow possibly sometime tonight depending on how quickly everyone moves their items to the vault.
lev 3 of my members still dont a have a chest yet in the vault
-alphadawgEDIT: also theray
EDIT: Poke never told me there was a second floor.. -
I currently have nothing stored but i dont need things stored I might jsut start over on my own anyways
Can anyone else connect? I got in once or twice and just fell to -3500 and counting.
server commited suicide, i tried to force a restart during the short periods of time i was in, but it was futile.
I lost all the stuff on me =/ I had the stuff to make quantom leggings aloads of wood/cacti... Like wtf happened =/