I dont understand the post killerbeez, i have been smp IC since ic went public smp but no doubt you were the first you go IC SMP and i might add you do a great job no question. I simply mean we went public on our sever in August 2010 at that time we were a vanilla server.

► Gult's Gorge - 1.6.4 Free2Play | HOSTED | NO WHITELIST | Buycraft | Teamspeak ATLAUNCHER EASY INSTALL IC2, PROJECT RED, Buildcraft, Forestry, Applied Energistics, Bibliocraft, Binnies mod, Compact solars,Extra Cells, Gregtech, IC2 Nuclear Controls,
- Levint7012
- Closed
saw what u were replying to fixed it in my post, apology about the wrong date do not want to mis-post, i had my cousin update my main post he added the date incorrectly as he is english so the date i sent him was posted incorrectly, i corrected our date thanks.
Lol, it wasn't in bad taste, just mentioning the date. IC came out in 2010? That is what I was getting at, nothing to do with you or your server quality.
New map 7-17, Added extra bees, additional buildcraft objects, seedmanager, and advanced solar.
Also added support to make our planned ZOMBIE battle world for later this week.
So happy they kept slopes, updated forestry (WE NOW HAVE STAMPS) added extra bees, advanced solar, seed manager and god i love this server. I love how busy it is with the new map like bees buzzing everywere and the spawn is just EPIC great job admins. Thanks so much guys, big love.
Thanks Man, ya we are happy with how the new map is progressing, the most exciting is how close we are to our server goal to upgrade our hardware again only 30% to go in just a few weeks quite impressive, and very good news. I think the most exciting new is the 1.3 update coming and it has the server buzzing, but the new mod updates help to with the server remaining close to full life is good.
New server ordered today including an octo core processor and 8gb ram to power our new server thanks to Oniagia for the final donation we reached goal months early YA!!
Awesome awesome awesome. It's funny how well the server runs now on basically spar parts you must be a damn good admin to hold the ship together excited to see what you can do with a nuclear sub, if you handled the row boat that well, good luck can not wait til Monday!!!
With the new server getting a full overhaul many users on the server are talking about a new map, but para the other admin said not new map but new mining world, new nether and EXPANDED main world, i also heard more slots what of any of this is true?
The new server should be coming in today. It will be very nice with 8 cores, double the RAM to now 8 running at 1600 MHgz the cpu is running over 3.3
it will be a huge advantage and the server we have been using will be a strong test server so we can test things much more and admins can now help with the testing reliving it all from levint to do. It is a huge change and if you have ever played on the server and did not like it i would say come back and see if you are still having those issuesWith the new server getting a full overhaul many users on the server are talking about a new map, but para the other admin said not new map but new mining world, new nether and EXPANDED main world, i also heard more slots what of any of this is true?
So fair no lag, runs like a champ and we expanded map and adding a bunch of new features.
Come on in and check out the server!
for some reason Mc.gultgorge.com is not working. Please use IP for now to log on to the server.
Updated to the new ic^2 v1.103! Way to go Ablaka!
Energy-o-mats ftw!!!
Thanks for updating Fundevin. Just a quick update... the new SSD Harddrive and more ram should be in today or tomorrow.
Ic2 1.103 is neat any plans to add the version of nuke cont?
We now are on a Solid State Drive and added another 4Gb of ram so life on the server should only be better again.
Should have the new Nuke control in on friday, will be updating forestry as well then...
So new map I see no forestry, sucks it hates ic2 103 so much but wow does the server run great love this place! I see you changed the rules a bit does that mean block breakers are cool again?
Installed computercraft today. Here is the link for the mod