Bug: Luminator Not turning off SSP/SMP

  • When you power a luminator and then you cut the power off it keeps emitting light.
    But you can´t power machines from it.The only way to turn it off is to destroy that luminator.
    I do have newest IC.It keeps doing this thing in SMP and even on SSP.

    • Official Post

    When you power a luminator and then you cut the power off it keeps emitting light.
    But you can´t power machines from it.The only way to turn it off is to destroy that luminator.
    I do have newest IC.It keeps doing this thing in SMP and even on SSP.

    not sure about SMP not really tried them but in SSP because they store a small amount of energy they take a few mins to turn themselves off... its not instant anymore im not sure how much but they store eu

    • Official Post

    They store the amount needed per power level if I recall correctly. Eg. Light level one is 1Eu/s to 15Eu/s (guesstimates), thus at light level one, it will store 3000 Eu (based on the 20FPS cap), which it only uses a very small amount in relation to that 3k it's storing. Again, all these numbers are guesstimations but the concept is the same.