Dancing with the devil...

  • But horribly inefficient ?(

    A square setup (6 chambers) needs only a small cooldown and has TRICE the efficiency!

  • In order to actually explain what you can look at next time for future reactors...

    Look at placing uranium cells next to each other in linear (non-diagonal) patterns. This does increase the heat/tick of the cells, but you will gain uranium efficiency. This also means you'll make more power out of fewer uranium cells. I suggest keeping to a max efficiency of 2.33 (3 in a row, or 3 in a corner design) and working on keeping the heat/tick at or under 0. Also, keep in mind that Cooling Cells and Reactor Plating are useless unless next to an HD (and/or a U. Cell) if meant to actually cool the reactor (Reactor Plating has a different use, but I won't go into that right now).

    Look at the distribution of your HDs and Cooling Cells. You'll find some patterns are more efficient at using less HDs and have more C. Cells in the same amount of space. Only in a few cases is it good to service a single C. Cell with two HDs, but generally the same situation you could place an HD where the C. Cell is and redesign your HD network around this.