[1.15 + Hotfix] Bug: EnergyNet Corruption

  • Here is the log: https://gist.github.com/1274174

    It seems to happen around the time the chunk is unloaded that containins the power source/emitter. I have 9 solar panels arranged in the format of a solar flower. Total of 2 bat boxes on the line before hitting my machine room. If you want i can debug it myself using MCP and running it in debug mode from eclipse.

    And yes I have installed the hotfix.

  • OtherLogs [1.15 + Hotfix]
    java.lang.RuntimeException: EnergyNet: EnergyBlockLink corrupted (ic2.common.T
    eEntityElectricMFE@3bc54a [117 67 207] -> ic2.common.TileEntitySolarGenerator@
    c1328 [133 67 208] -> ic2.common.TileEntitySolarGenerator@e61e1f [133 67 208])

    at ic2.common.EnergyNet.discover(EnergyNet.java:408 )
    at ic2.common.EnergyNet.emitEnergyFrom(EnergyNet.java:190)
    at ic2.common.TileEntityBaseGenerator.sendEnergy(TileEntityBaseGenerator
    at ic2.common.TileEntityBaseGenerator.b_(TileEntityBaseGenerator.java:13
    at rv.l(World.java:1472)
    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.k(Minecraft.java:1157)
    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:483)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)