Pontusedberg's server
A friendly server with lots of fun bla bla bla, is anyone really reading this?
* We are currently testing bukkit support, Your stuff may look like they varnished for good, but they will be back until tomorow,
just relax and have a cup tea
Mods using,
client IC² V 1.23, BuildCraft 2.2.5
Also using http://forum.industrial-craft.…page=Thread&threadID=2037
and http://www.minecraftforum.net/…dcraft-225-bucket-filler/
I will have bukkit when somone can make a tutorial how to install it on a fragnet server
using IC2 and buildcraft!
Rules, No griefing, no stealing, No RDM, No killing other ppl.
Server status Curently online!

[No whitelist][1.8.1][IC² V 1.23][BC 2.2.5][EC v0.21.1]Pontusedberg's server
I'd like to make a little private village with friends, could I build it further so we don't get grieved?
Sure why not`? :p
im stuck near spawn i keep getting end of stream errors when i log in could you please help?
I get error of bad packet ID 230. How do I avoid this?
Hi guys
There's a guy on the server which calls himself an admin: bjowner
he (or a hacker...) spawned 3 stacks of cooked fish into my kitchen... WTf? ok no problem...
then he layed dynamite and tnt
he told me that there's an invisible hacker which does this... he was always there, where tnt spawned afterwards... his story can't be true, that he just followed the hacker, cause the tnt was not there yet, when he walked the way where he should have seen the tnt...
after a while i put my most valuable things into a chest near spawn, NOT on the road with some signs:on the signs: "important sign: i just got griefed on this server, probably by an admin... if you still want to stay (on this server), then take my chest. bye guys"
then i logged of. after 5min i logged in again. the sings were destroyed
and the chest also. the stuff which was in the chest layed around.well, i really don't care if anyone cares about that. but i think it's more than fair to tell you, that u PROBABLY got a griefer-admin. of course it could also be an invisible hacker, but as i said, i really don't care
have a nice day!
made a server reboot and banned the Op griefer, Sush a shame :<
oh well. those things oyu have to count with a no whitelist server
Hey pont, please ban Joey_DiBona he just greifed through my roof and stole items, and loged out like a chicken
And please do it ASAP....first thing joey did right when he joined was go right to my house and rob it. He took everything out of our industrial craft chest. Please do something ASAP before he logs back in and steals again. *FYI* He has loged out right in front of my chests so hes gona steal the second he rejoins if he does.
Aww yeah, fear the Op!
changed to bc 2.2.5
Hope it wont be to much a prolem to instal :3