SOME missing recipes

  • Hey all,
    So I've installed both the SMP (into the Sever mod folder (v1.15) and the personal SSP into my own areas. Most of the new items work in multiplayer (I can craft circuits, Cu cables, Tn and Cu Ingots) but when I try certain recipes (like the extractor) nothing shows up in the craft block. I even went into SSP and checked the recipe book to make sure i was using the right recipe. I've looked through the forums and haven't come across anything just yet so I'm hoping you guys can help. Again, certain items are working but others are not. {The only other mod installed, aside from forge, etc. is Buildcraft} Below is the recipe I'm using for the extractor.

    [Tap] [Cicuit] [Tap]
    [Tap] [Machine] [Tap]
    [ ] [ ] [ ]

    Thanks for you help,