Basically, a reactor used for cooling a certain element extremely quickly. Useful if you want to cool off a reactor faster, take 1 element at a time out of the normal one and into the other.…HCCHCCCCCCCHCHHCCCCCCCHCH

"Cooler" Reactor
you should make two spots for cool down elements. AFAIK HD dispensers can suck only 6 heat per tick. so four HD can suck up 24 heat per tick but whole reactor can cool down more so it only waste have full reactor of cooling cells. i think to fully utilize this you need three spots for heated elements.
heat dispensers can only cool 24 heat/tick. The whole reactor cools at 70/tick but the 46 cooling cannot be used because the heat dispensers cant keep up with it. For a optimal design you want the heat dispensers to be able to dispense more heat than the reactor can cool (its not like you would use it 24/7). I think it would work fine even with 6 spots for cooling components.
Should cool 3 elements at *almost* full speed (24 heat/t)
A coolant cell would go from 9999 heat to zero in under seven minutes!