Support Request: Minecraft is argumentative with IC2 on it

  • The first time I tried to run minecraft with IC in the mods folder (Like it's supposed to be, right?), it let me log in but when I went to make a world it closed out. I installed all five of the list from the minecraft forums for IC2 including the fixes, and in the listed order. After that I completely erased the minecraft folder and started from scratch, and then I tried again but I checked after all five of the prerequisites. Minecraft worked fine until I put the .jar into the mods folder for IndustrialCraft, which is when the problem springs up. I don't know what else you need that I can tell you, but I'm going to post part of the error report it created in the .minecraft folder for starters.

    I hope I didn't somehow miss this having a really obvious fix or one detailed somewhere else, but I looked and everything and I didn't see it anywhere. Oh, hey, it's possible that I have the wrong version of ModLoader and Modloader MP but I'm pretty sure that's not it because I just took the two that I've been using for other 1.8 things and used them.

  • Uhm... bump.... is there a problem with the way I posted it or something? I noticed that the post has a lot of views, but no replies, so I don't know if just no one knows what the problem is or if I did the post wrong, but I thought I'd try bumping it just once.