How do i make an breeder?

  • i built my reactor the setup i have is pretty efficent its making about mark2 os and it doesnt seem to be working to make recharged isotope cells any idea what i need to fix?

  • Two checks:

    *Is the iso cell next to uran? It needs to be :)
    *Is the reactor hot? Breeding is sped up VASTLY by higher reactor heat, an is at max when heat level is over 9000 (CwatchadidthereAl)

    Edit: Laying out your reactor in and linking your setup here would help in debugging!

  • i got your pm jeb. It would really help if you did what dez recommended and layout your reactor in the sim and posted the url here so we can see what your doing wrong.

  • your coolants are sucking up all the heat. it wont start heating untill they pop, and when they pop it wont heat the cells long enough to breed before a meltdown.

    heat is vital to breeding, you have to find a balance somewhere. It can be difficult with 0 chamber reactors, especially water cooled.

  • so i took out the coolants and placed the 3 uran cells in an cross patter around the isotopeone on the top and one on each side and im missing the bottom will it work correctly now?

  • i just tested that got absolutely no breeding and i had to shut it off and flush the system it hit 16+k heat somehow and started popping coolant cells really quickly

  • Breeding is complicated. Unless you steal somebody elses design you'll HAVE to do some calculations for it to work nicely

    Just as an example, I wrapped this up:…IHCHCICCCCCCHCHCHCCXXXXXX

    Starting from zero heat it'll warm up, ending the cycle at about 12k heat. 5 chamber reactors starts melting stuff at a touch under 13k heat, so it's safe. Currently running a check if it'll actually enrich the iso cells fully...

    Edit: I'm an idiot, forgot components melt at 10k heat :whistling:

  • i only have one reactor i simply said screw it and am currently making this thing run at full power i can manage with what little i have to work with.

  • If you only have one reactor you shouldn't go into breeding just yet ^^

    Yes. 0 chamber reactors aren't good for breeding. They can shine in series as low heat high eu/t generators, but for a really stable breeder(oxymoron) your gonna need chambers, a good design, and time.

    The best advice i can give you is work on the math that goes into this or really get good with the simulator and start experimenting with it.. Its not hard once you get into it, especially with the sim.

    otherwise there are a few posts on here with good breeder designs and instructions behind how to use them to their full potential.