Hi industrialcraft2 nuclear engineering forums, i'm urbanshadow and I'm new here . I'm having trouble classifing one of my reactor designs and I would like someones help me on that. I'ts a 5 chamber reactor and AFAIK seems like a Mark I. I don't know what type of Mark I reactor it is so I'm asking for it. Another specs are: heat stabilization (not only hull heat, also cooling elements heat) at 30 heat in tick 89, 50 Eu/t, 1.67 eficiency, thought out to work water cooled. Here's the simulator design.
Also, any coments or modifications you can made to my design are highly appreciated (If package comes with explanation, I will be happy). EDIT: Did you guys think a 60 Eu/t, eficiency 3 Mark I in 2 chambers can be built?