I think Al should not make this. There will be CPU in RP2 and its Useless to have 2 CPUs.
Best would be to have RP2 CPU and IC2 addon which will make the RP2 CPUs able to control reactors,get heat value of reactors,see how much energy is left...
Or you can make an (Massive UBER Ultra Awesome Epic) mod with El which will contain things from IC2 & RP2.
Plus Al havent started CPUs yet but El has started to make CPUs so Al could do other things while he will be coding CPUs. (Like new machines)
Btw if you dont know what i am talking about check Industrial BlaBla.
Suggestion: Electronics/CPU
I think Al should not make this. There will be CPU in RP2 and its Useless to have 2 CPUs.
Best would be to have RP2 CPU and IC2 addon which will make the RP2 CPUs able to control reactors,get heat value of reactors,see how much energy is left...
Or you can make an (Massive UBER Ultra Awesome Epic) mod with El which will contain things from IC2 & RP2.
Plus Al havent started CPUs yet but El has started to make CPUs so Al could do other things while he will be coding CPUs. (Like new machines)
Btw if you dont know what i am talking about check Industrial BlaBla.I disagree, having seen notes on both systems Al's will be completely different (although similar) and I'd much rather prefer Al make one that works with all the industrial machines than Elo who's system will probably only be redstone based.
Alright, I've been thinking.
When life gives you lemons
Ok we can have both of them, but at least i want some connection between them.
Because RP2 CPU looks epicly complex but Al said hes CPU wont be that much complex.
And i think more complex = better.Btw I love your IC2 texturepack!
You are trying to say that if we dont use RedPower (Alot of people)
We are stuffed?Thats like him saying "I decided to stop working on most of my features as theres some mods out there that does something kinda like it"
You are trying to say that if we dont use RedPower (Alot of people)
We are stuffed?Thats like him saying "I decided to stop working on most of my features as theres some mods out there that does something kinda like it"
This is the answer you'll get if you suggest anything on this forum usually
"mod A has this, you shouldn't suggest that"
For RP/BC its understandable I guess due to the fact they are literally best used together.