So on my SMP Server I have this mod lets me make certain chunks not unload. I was thinking of using this on a certain spit for my solar power farm and then wiring it down 300 blocks away to get away from lag. But what is the best wire setup for long range ignoring chunk issues?

1000's Solar Panels Lag so I was thinking of wiring them up 300 Blocks away.`
No Using Mods to your own gain Kane
I'm not sure how much that would help without a low fog setting.
Anyway, the best wiring solution for 300 blocks cost-wise /is/ HV iron. (2048 - 300) / 2048 will be something like 3% line loss. You'll still need four MFS units at each end to step-up and to buffer the incoming blocks. You might experiment with batboxes and 128 to see if a single batbox wired up to four sides of an LVTF will push 128 across the output; that might be possible. The recieving side may also be able to handle 32 per side for the full 128. However the algorithms might only give it 32 since it is one destination instead of 4.
Now, you also mention that you have 'things to keep remote chunks loaded'; I'm going to assume that's the extra buildcraft teleporter pipes thing. My understanding is that there's an /energy/ teleporter pipe too. If you used the 512eU energyTF from one of the pending mods here and the teleporter pipe you could get even less line-loss.
You failed at maths just looking at the numbers i instantly see there is ~15% loss.
Also batbox + 4 blocks long copper cable should give you 0% loss problem is only 128 eu/tick can be transported through 1 such line so that means you need 8 batbox copper cable lines. Through expensive it will have no losses. About 480 batboxes and 1920 copper cables so really expensive but doable given enough time.
The batbox + 128 was a /test case/ designed to isolate the behavior of the system. Also yes, I can see how I was off by a few orders of magnitude. Apparently I shouldn't try to do math without caffeine.