Suggestion: Normalize Iron Furnace and Basic Generator Cost

  • Name: Normalize Iron Furnace and Basic Generator Cost


    Back in Ic1, the Iron furnace could be made two ways,
    With 7 iron around a cobblestone furnace, or 8 iron.

    A generator could be made with a machine (8 iron), a battery, and a cobblestone furnace (8 cobble)
    or 3 iron, an iron furnace, and a battery.

    This gives the variable costs (including total crafts required, due to an argument in the old deleted thread about it being fair to get an advantage by crafting more times) of

    pure iron furnace for generator - 11 iron, battery, 3 crafts.
    Impure iron furnace for generator - 10 iron, 8 cobble, battery, 4 crafts.
    Machine generator - 8 iron, battery, 8 cobble, 3 crafts.

    So obviously making it from a machine was by far the most efficient method. I also thought that an easy way to make it (mostly) consistent, would be to make the generator via iron furnace use +1 iron instead of 3, OR make the iron furnace take 5(6) iron instead of 7(8)

    Now, in IC2, The cost of the base generator has been altered.
    You can make an iron furnace from 8 iron, or 5 iron and a cobble furnace.
    You can make a machine from either an Iron furnace, 1 iron, and a battery, OR you can use a cobble furnace, a machine, and a battery.

    pure iron furnace for generator - 9 iron, battery, 3 crafts.
    Impure iron furnace for generator - 6 iron, 8 cobble, battery, 4 crafts.
    Machine generator - 8 iron, battery, 8 cobble, 3 crafts.

    This makes me think, Wait what? The costs of both the impure iron furnace and the iron furnace-> generator have been reduced by two iron each, meaning that suddenly, the impure iron furnace recipie is best now, and is still not consistent (a +- 1 iron would be fine, as long as the other resources cover it)

    So I would propose that this is fixed. Increasing the cost of the impure iron furnace to use 7 iron would make them almost identlcal, and make it so that the recipie path you take would not matter, as you would pay (almost) the same amount each time.

    I realize this is not considered an actual bug, and hence it is been recreated in the suggestion forums, instead of the bug forums