[Suggestion] Special devices

  • I was thinking of some "inteligent" devices , where could be implemented into machines to get them more "advanced" basicly like having more slots and/or faster operating speed of them , or taking less energy.

    Also it should be really hard to get cuz, of the fact of the Matter Generator taking less energy with scrap like 80k and instead of a million like 900k or 800k or something similar ^^

    Or making2 machines work together as 1 (standing beside each other) and operating twice as fast, but only taking half of the energy that both would take (only matter generator should have more balanced ones.. in the fact that it would then be overpowered..)

    The recipe should take 1 diamond Block (or industrial diamonds, so that they get more useful xD) or something similar, and would also take some advanced circuits and iridium plates to get it.
    I don't want it too overpowered ^^.

    Leave a comment on what you think about this idea ^^.

    :Energy Crystal:___:Energy Crystal: I'm crystalized!