Support Request: Crash upon start. IWrenchableBlock

  • I am using:
    Redpower 2 pr3bBuildcraft 2.2.5
    Industrial Craft 2 1.23

    IC2 Addons:
    Advanced Machines
    Charging Bench
    Mobile Pump
    Electric Fishing Pole
    More Composite Armor
    More Tree Tap
    Portable Teleporter
    Iron & Gold Chest
    IC Efficiency & Qsuit Ctrl

  • You forgot the version numbers for the mods you intalled.

    However, the solution is still obvious, which would not always be the case because you left info out.

    between 1.23 and (what was the next version?) Alblaka redid some of the API. Some of your addons happen to be for a later version, and are using the new API, which IC 1.23 does not accept. Update Industrialcraft to 1.337b, and it ought to work. Also update all of your other addons, and any that did not update yet, add them one at a time to make sure they work as well.