Oh god, i don't want to start it from ZERO in Survival ://
[1.4.6] Nep's Server, FTB Mindcrack pack! Redpower, Ic2, Builcraft, Forestry, And more! No whitelist! :D
Wel... Now we have to make shure that these peaple get banned. Im talking about Elite500
Also i dont think its fair to ban me
I did nothingEDIT: FTB is released soon
omg. There is too much ore, its not good
Hey can an admin help me please ?
I went through my nether portal and walked a few steps in the nether, mined some nether bricks and BAAAM: FTB crashed. I reopen FTB log in in the server. I stay there for a split of a split of second so i can see the chat and all and then, CRASH. I tried several times and same thing over and over again. Can you like teleport me to overworld or something ? I basically can't do anything right now. I'm stuck in there. (This is weird because yesterday i went to nether 3/4 times and didnt have any issue. It was fluid, no lag at all !)
I have a core 2 duo, 4GB ram
Thanks for the help (IGN: MehdiSaffar) -
Hey guys great server - small problem i'm trapped in a corrupted chunk can i get a tp to spawn??? (IGN: Scb_scooby) Thanks in advance
P.S anyone else building their house outa gold
it's a really nice server you got there.
I heard a rumor that the server would be reseted again is it true? And if that is the case is there then any way to get the old world file? -
Yes... PLEASE we would prefer if this map doesnt get reset, we have put so much effort working on making things look great and "techy"
Please do not restart the map, i'm sure there are better ways ...
is the server down? i hope its not getting reset.
Good stuff!
Nightfury please fix your server, it's my favorite.
What made this server have such an overflow of minerals? Since the server is down me and some friends would like to replikate it. It was a perfect world for our gamingstyle.
It was an Oregeneration mod, it was my idea to use it, because many Users complained about not having enough tin and copper, but it seems like Nightfury has used it wrong, so she/he whatever caused a Overflow
Well I thought it was wonderful
Me and my friends where mostly interested in building structures and machines anyway so having much ores was just fine.
Hey night, I miss the server, I had great fun moderating the server, and playing, making community projects, you know, I wish you would get the server up again, thanks