Question: HV Over-Power Waste?

  • If I build a large powerplant, and let's say it's dropping... 500 EU/S constantly into a HVT, that HVT is going to discharge every 4s to an HVTY on the other end. Now for the sake of math let's assume there's no loss of energy over cable distance (obviously in practical circumstances there will be) so the receiving HVT will also charge in 4s, but if I put an MFE on the bottom of the HVT I have two questions:

    1) Won't most of my power never make it down into the MFE as only 200 Power could transfer in those 4s.

    2) When the next packet comes in and it can't discharge all the power to the MFE (only 200 as before) won't it bounce back the power to the other one and start a continuous, power-wasting, loop?

    I can't figure out what the purpose of HV is because it seems to bottle-neck at 50EU/s but I could use a EC Manipulator and setup MFEs to create a 64/s Line...

  • You can use multiple HT on reciever side and combine their outputs.
    Use 2 HV and you have output 100EU/s.
    4HV -> 200EU/s
    8HV -> 400EU/s
    Here is screens with 4HV: