[Question]IC2 with incs-morethan256blockids

  • When i was installing a lot of new mods i realized i was running out of block ids, i installed the mod that takes the limit off of 256 block ids (
    http://www.minecraftforum.net/…-in-ssp-smp/#Installation ) but got massive errors
    then i after testing with trial and error i have concluded that IC2 and Incs don't work together

    My question is why would there be an id in the thirty thousands (34096)?
    I don't know anything about java but i checked all the config files and nothing comes even close
    the only mods i have in this setup are
    Incs more than 256 blocks
    IC2 1.43
    is there any way to fix this?</init></init></init></init>

    • Official Post

    then i after testing with trial and error i have concluded that IC2 and Incs don't work together

    Can't be true. Try installing IC² correctly once before you mess it up with other stuff. Because
    1. You didn't list MCForge in your list of mods, which is a mandatory prequesite for IC²
    2. MCForge is incompatible with that moreids mod thingy