Behemoth Industries is back. Sort of. After a few months of hiatus waiting for mods to be updated, we're in action.
We are currently looking for experienced builders to help put together a tutorial/show-off spawn area. Naturally, we're also looking for players to join in.
The gameplay features of the Behemoth Industries world aren't completely defined, though we are leaning towards a PvP-RP oriented focus with a stricter adherence to the RP side of things. Either steam-punk or early industrial-age style.
Please, shoot me a PM or respond to this thread if you're interested in helping out.
I am an experienced admin and have been running a minecraft server since a few days after SMP came to life.
Mods/Plugins this server requires:
- IndustrialCraft 1.43 + AdvancedMachines + Charging Bench + Thermometer
- RailCraft 2.2.1 Removed due to a crash bug.
- RedPower2 pr4b
- HarvestCraft w/ SMP patch from Jns_man (…ssp-mods-in-smpsmpbukkit/ - Under "Pams mods")
- HotAirBalloons - just download the latest client.
The server-specific config (compatible with Technic pack) is here: - BACKUP YOUR INSTALL IF YOU HAVE AN SSP WORLD PRE-TECHNICPACK! This WILL break it!
NOTE: I do provide a modpack, but that's only for folks that can't figure out how to get the mods installed. I understand the developers disdain towards anyone that provides a modpack, but answering the same damn question over and over on how to get it installed gets old.
PM me if you would like the modpack. I expect you to keep the link private. It is only for those who are having trouble getting the mods installed.
Server Host / IP: /