Suggestion: HMC (Holographic Minecraft Character)

  • Name:

    Holographic Minecraft Character (Although I guess the block itself should be called 'Holographic emitter' or something)


    RI - GD - RI
    AC - PC - AC
    RI - ID - RI

    RI: Refined Iron
    GD: Glowstone Dust
    AC: Advanced Circuit
    PC: Punch Card (new item)
    ID: Industrial Diamond


    In a perfect world my idea would work like this:
    The hologram is an advanced signpost. Once the thing activates a Minecraft character will materialize on top of the holographic emitter block and say a message in chat (or whisper it to one person to avoid griefing). Then it just stands there until someone turns it off. Clicking the holographic minecraft character (HMC) will replay the message. When active it needs to be fed 2EU/t in order to stay active (5EU/t for realism). When turned off it doesn't waste any power.

    --> Punch cards: They come in two varieties: The 'standard Punch card' and the 'Personalized Punch Card'. They work kind of like the programs in the terraformer.

    When you insert the standard punch card into the holographic emitter block you get to record (type in) the message you want it to say and upon activation the standard hologram (that came with the mod) will appear. (It could look like Cortana from Halo for example)

    The Personalized punch card does exactly the same thing except that when the emitter is activated a hologram that looks like your character will pop out. Which will then say/whisper the message.

    In a non-perfect world the idea of punch cards can be thrown overboard and the emitter can just display your character saying a message (which from what I understand of MC mechanics is easier than shipping a pre-made character along with the mod)

    Uses: Apart from being a cool way to record messages holograms can function as tour guides, merchants (not that they can trade or anything but they can greet you before you head to the selling unit), decoys, extensions of your own vanity ... loads of opportunities I'm sure :rolleyes:

  • It could also be a password-protected redstone current. You'd just have to make sure you whisper to the hologram.

    As with libraries and writeable books, I think this would be nice! Think of a hologram that you can program with a simple tree structure of things it can say and react to! That'd be some tour guide!