[Question] Watermill chunk issues

  • When running waretmills in manned mode using rp2_4c to load buckets, I find that once i start using more than 9 mills at once and leave the chunk that suddenly i start getting severe loading problems, to the point of 1 frame every few seconds. This happens with or without optifine, whether the rp timer is running or not, and irregardless of how far i am from the chunk. I am running on a machine more than capable of handling large worlds with large scale automation processes.

    Am i just missing something? Is anyone else having this problem? Any help would be appreciated.

    I did a search but didn't find any threads regarding this issue. If i missed one please point me in the right direction.


    • Official Post

    Known issue with the soundsystem. Using the search function first, is the key to success.
    You can fix the issue by either getting far enough for the sounds to shut off (it's the border between hear- and unhearbale which causes the issue, approx. 16 blocks) or update your LWJGL.