W0lf Industrial Inc| Industrialcraft|Advanced Machines| Buildcraft| Additional Pipes| Redpower| 24/7| No Lag!| Whitelist

  • Awesome server with a few mods. Industrialcraft v1.43, Buildcraft v2.2.11, Redpower pre4c, Zeldo's additional pipes addon v3.14 (NOTE: Currently managed by DaStormBringer), Advanced machines addon v3.1

    NOTE: YOU NEED THIS REDPOWER CONFIG http://db.tt/3DHD4syH Or else it will screw up.

    1. Don't Grief.
    2. Don's pester admins.
    3. Don't ask for items. Though admins will trade with you.
    4. This is SMP not SSP, Don't travel far away from spawn.
    5. Do not spam.
    5. Have fun!

    Server is whitelisted!
    Apply for whitelist here with your IGN or at the official website.



  • Looks really good, however you MIGHT want to take off a couple mods, that's super modded and take it from me it becomes too much of a hassle. I'd say just 2 tech mods at most. I prefer IC2 and BC. They're very clean, no overlapping ores like with redpower. I love redpower but i can't stand overlapping ores, especially because it causes major problems with Advanced Machines, which in my opinion is an essential mod.

  • Hey @wolfman2 you do know that forge has this thing called "Ore Directory" right?

    Never look back , you might see a creeper.

  • Did they finally fix that on advanced machines though? Last time I checked Advanced Machines didn't use the ore dictionary, I know forge has it. And even if it did incorporate ore dictionary overlapping ores are still annoying. Also with this many tech mods there can be exploits to get high end machines and stuff extremely easy.