Support Request: Windmills no longer generating power

  • I have a small flower of windmills with a maximum branch depth of 3 for a total of 25 windmills connected together. Just recently, I noticed that my average intake from the windmills dropped drastically and remained that way for several minecraft days. I went up with my EU reader and learned that the center and the first branch level is producing power but the remaining 20 windmills are producing 0 EU/t.

    I haven't tried anything yet to find the problem but I'm going to assume the windmills just broke or the wires need to be repaired because of a bug. The whole flower is using tin cables so it couldn't be from generating over 5 EU/t.

    Any ideas on what the problem could be and how to avoid it in the future? I'm in the middle of planning for a heavy expansion (possibly quadrupling the windmill count) and noticing these drops in EU/t will become more difficult without regular maintenance.

    EDIT: I tried replacing some of the cables for one of the windmills with no success.

    EDIT2: Half of the windmills mysteriously started generating ~2 EU/t again but it seems to be random windmills so I am completely clueless on what is going on.

    EDIT3: Everything seems to be back to normal. I probably just had a long streak of bad luck with the windmills and just overreacted.

    Problem resolved.