Question: Decompiling IC2

  • If I try to decompile IC2 1.64 with MCP, by installing it in my jar then decompiling, I get a ClassNotFoundException for an NEI class while decompiling the NEI plugin. The same thing happens for the CraftGuide, BC2 and BC3 plugins. Obviously I can't install BC2 and BC3 and still have a working jar, so how do I decompile IC2?

    Disappointed with the bugs and nerfedness of AtomicStryker Corp's Advanced Machines, and the unupdatedness of Snyke's Enterprises?
    Need low-lag renewable power?
    Come to ImmTech Intragalactical this thread for free UUM!

    Note: UUM may stand for Unnerfed Unbuggy Updated Machines and may not be actual UUM. The extra U was lost due to a bit error.
    Battery snot included.

    • Official Post

    Use the API, in case it's not sufficient request the source files via PM/Email from me.
    It's ridicolously hard to recompile the correct fileset, i don't even want to think about decompiling them :3