personal safe and trade-o-mat is not working you cant trade and you can see into all personalsafe from everybody
I use with Bukkit:
ModloaderMP 1.1 Maeyanie
Minecraft Forge r2 Maeyanie
Build Craft 02/02/12 Maeyanie
Redpower 2.0p4d Maeyanie
Industrial Craft ² 1.64 r3 muCkk
BCIC2Crossover 1:18 r1 halvors Forestry Maeyanie
Thermometers 1.1.9 r1 halvors
Additional pipes 32.3 r1 halvors
and some plugins from bukkit.
ic2 personal safe and trade-o-mat dont work
Bukkit is not our jurisdiction, try asking mcportcentral.