hi ,
in ModularForceFieldSystem Version Bet a6pre2_1 ++ I've added a new module "MFFS reactor heat control"..
makes it possible to cool the reactor or heat when it is protected by a force field.
need you help to balances...
I planned:
ICE - 100 heat
IC2 (WaterCell) Reaktor Heat - 50 heat
IC2(LaveCell) Reaktor Heat + 100 heat
The module itself has 9 slots... max Stack per Slot 64...
and you can determine the "targetheat "manually
Modi :
offline: self explaining
cooler: use ICE, ... to keep the temperature under "targetheat"
heater: use l ....to keep the temperature over "targetheat"
balance: use ,
,ICE,... to heat stable at the "targetheat " + / 100
your ideas, suggestions ??
MFG Thunderdark