Suggestion: helper robot

  • Hi, first of all congrats on a GREAT mod :)

    I'm a huge fan of miners and I usually try to make one or two asap. By the time I've got four going on the cave where I put them is usually VERY long (I like moving them in straight lines) Normally I put some rails and a container-cart in it, but having to move it from one place to another, load it, unload it... can be quite tedious. I seem to remember you posting something about adding robots to the mod some day, so I propose adding a helper robot to it. Add a torch-like item for the robot to make stops and perform simple tasks (unload/load for example, depending on color of placed "torch") Maybe even add an object to set a time interval between each "torch", or make the robot "intelligent" so it waits for a machine to stop working before unloading it or the box next to it.


    PS: i've been looking into your code as i'm trying to learn minecraft coding in my free time, and man are your variables difficult to decipher :P

    Just saw the programmable robot idea, pretty much the same as what I had in mind. Sorry for the inconvenience :D