[BUG 171] Miner problem

  • Code
    2012-03-10 23:13:29 [SEVERE] Unexpected exception
    	at ic2.common.TileEntityMiner.canReachTarget(TileEntityMiner.java:374)
    	at ic2.common.TileEntityMiner.canReachTarget(TileEntityMiner.java:404)

    last line repeated MANY times, server crush instantly and after restart will crush as soon as miner TE loaded.

    Possible scenario cause problem:

    xdif = 0
    zdif = 1

    since there is no code to handle this scenario numbers will switch and function never exit causing overlow error.

    hotfix reqired (cant recompile cos eclipce crush on some classes with internal error, fix is simple, if dif is zero - leave it alone)