Firstly, a big thanks and congratulations to the wiki team, the IC1 documentation was excellent and containted extremely informative articles with a high standard (directly ported MCF HAYO articles non-withstanding). However the new documentation, understandably written in a rush, leaves much to be desired for and I believe that a truly outstanding mod deserves a great wikipedia. Things like " and it got much energy." make my heart bleed.
Thus my question: is there a standing wikipedia team? How are they organised? Maybe this is a good place to start assigning articles and make sure that the wikipedia is up to par when IC² v1.0 hits the tubes. (Also, it would decrease the load on this forum: a lot more information and troubleshooting could be performed on the wikipedia, listing known bugs, faqs etc. a lot more people are comfortable searching a wikipedia than using the searchbar in a forum it seems)
Anyway, if all else fails this humble poster merely wishes to state that he'd be willing to punch out a few of the more critical articles in more detail and help the wiki catch up with the glorious development team bringing us such amazing features to document.