[MC 1.2.3] IC2 1.81 openal crash

  • IC2 1.81 crashes my sound after Minecraft login. A Win7 crash dialog appears, nofities me that javaw.exe crashed with "BEX64" at OpenAL64.dll_unloaded; no internal minecraft crash dialog appears. :pinch:

    Without IC2 Minecraft runs fine.

    I hope somebody can tell me why this happens and how to fix that.

    PS: mod_MinecraftForge newer than and older than 2.0 (that's for MC 1.2.4) results in a black window after login.
    Output from the terminal:

    Exception in thread "Thread-5" java.lang.VerifyError: (class: net/minecraft/clie
    nt/Minecraft, method: a signature: (Lvl;)V) Bad type in putfield/putstatic
    at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftApplet.init(SourceFile:33)
    at net.minecraft.Launcher.replace(Launcher.java:143)
    at net.minecraft.Launcher$1.run(Launcher.java:87)
    • Official Post

    That's imo not even related to sounds. The crash log refers to a signature mismatch due to a modified minecraft.jar. You'll have to delete the two MOJANG_C signature file in the META-INF subfolder inside minecraft.jar.

  • First one:

    On the first one you're doing it right. Some systems (like yours) don't seem to like the sound system, disable sounds in config/IC2.cfg and try again.

    It works :whistling: . I want to know whether this is a IC2 or lwjgl bug (newest lwjgl version - I use lwjgl for my 2D RPG game, too).

    I look inside the IC2 jar archive and found some ogg/vorbis files. Does IC2 use the experimental AL_EXT_vorbis extension of OpenAL via lwjgl?
    AFAIR I had no sound from IC2 at MC 1.1 in the past. I recommend the jorbis library (http://www.jcraft.com/jorbis/) to you.

    But minecraft crashes reproducible at closing with the same Windows crash dialog, seems like option "soundsEnabled" is not so good implemented.

    Second one:


    That's imo not even related to sounds. The crash log refers to a
    signature mismatch due to a modified minecraft.jar. You'll have to
    delete the two MOJANG_C signature file in the META-INF subfolder inside

    [It's] trying to use 1.2.4 Forge in 1.2.3

    I deleted the META-INF subfolder inside minecraft.jar before adding Forge. I tried every Forge version from v1.4.1.59 down to v1.4.0.52 (all versions for MC 1.2.3).
    v1.4.0.52 was the first one that works instead of a blackscreen. Look at http://www.mod-buildcraft.com/forums/topic/forge-downloads/ ; Forge v1.4.1.X is for MC 1.2.3 (ML and MLMP installed with required version), but all Forge v1.4.1.X releases force MC to blackscreen - seems like net.minecraft.client.Minecraft is broken in those Forge releases.

    PS: I hope that you port IC2 to MC 1.2.4 (Forge 2.0.0.X) soon.

    PPS: Texture of reinforced doors looks strange, above block: plain violet, below block: green looks like wood.

  • The 1.2.4 version may be coming out in the next few days, see Al's blog. It fixes the reinforced door texture.

    The crash is a particular issue we have with later versions of LWJGL, but some users have it, some don't. We look forward to improve the sound system in the future.