Support Request: Fuel values

  • Hello! I have just upgraded my server to the topical versions of buildcraft and industrialcraft and am now looking for help with an issue...

    Buildcraft changes cacti and sugar canes to be burnable, and it brings with it scaffolds that can also burn. And scrap burns too, in furnaces.

    Now, in a buildcraft steam engine, only the traditional things _and_ scaffolds burn, whereas cacti and sugar canes and scrap do not burn anymore. They did burn before.

    At first I thought that bc engines suddenly had some kind of fuel treshold value under which they won't use the fuel anymore, but sticks work for them and scrap doesn't, with sticks having a much smaller fuel value than scrap. It seems also not to be the case that all items not coming from buildcraft don't burn in their engines, as scaffolds burn properly. Does anyone have insight in this system? I thought the fuel values were global...

  • Apparently something broke in BC, the call to add mod-added fuels is still there.

    Scaffolds aren't mod-added fuels but a block with its material set to wood, and any block with wood material will burn in furnaces and in a steam engine.