• I keep encountering a problem with hops where they grow a bit but then fail to fully mature even while the wheat they're planted with does so. Is there something I'm missing? They have a water block right next to them and I constantly hydrate/fertilize like every hour or so while logged onto the server. Oh and they're outside where they get natural sunlight while also having a torch nearby for nighttime.

  • Yeah, I've had problems with the 'failing to grow fully' thing with both a stem plant and what was either wheat/redwheat EDIT: I whacked it with my drill -- it was hops.. In the former case, there was a 1-block gap between the farmland block and solid dirt, while with the latter, I grew it under both high and low-light conditions

  • I have them planted on 1 high 4 tall dirt batches right now. The fourth being the blocks the crops are on. Is that a bad thing?
    Actually I looked at the guide again and it mentions crop blocks and farm blocks. Someone mind explaining these and just how many dirt blocks I need.

  • A PROBLEM COULD BE THE stats ont he crop and if the stats are to high you need a better area to grow it is such as a swamp. putting soil underneath it and fertilizing more often helps too. also try removing plants surronding it if that doesnt work.

    still rocking the GMA 950 card :D overclocked to the point of smoking. :huh: hahahahaha now i got my 525m now that thing does work 8) :P :D