i was wondering if while you were using the E-jet pack that you break blocks slower like you were in water because its been happening to me or is this how it's suppose to work?

Question: electric jetpacks
Yes. When you are using a jetpack, it considers you "off the ground", which gives you a penalty to mining speed. This applies both to jumping, swimming and jetpacking.
You can, however, use a Mining Laser in Low-Focus mode to effectively have an insta-mining drill which uses slightly more charge per action (I believe, it's 100 EU/beam in Low-Focus, versus ~67 EU/drilling operation for a Mining Drill). So if you don't have EU shortages, and can afford to spend a few Energy Crystals on a Mining Laser, you can get a superior mining tool.
Do keep in mind it doesn't support the use of a Batpack, but considering a single full-charge Mining Laser can be used a whole 800 times in Low-Focus mode, I don't think it's a problem.