Sadly i discovered that the only thing that should be safe (personal safes), aren't.
They can be destroyed by RP2 block breakers, i think its a bug.
So, i lost everything stored in them (after newmillenium's attack).
Added deployers to block breaker blacklist, will take effect after next server restart.
Note there may still be other ways unknown ways to break personal safes. If you want to keep something really safe, it may be safer to keep it in your inventory. Also you can use an Ender Pouch to secretly store items, as long as no one discovers the color code.
Due to the inherent difficulty of keeping personal safes safe when interacting with other mods, I've considered just disabling them entirely. Problem with doing this now is that many players already have built personal safes. Another option would be to have some kind of "lock pick" item you can craft to open other players safe's with some difficulty. But I have not implemented either of these options yet unfortunately; it is how it is now for the time being
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