Bug: (IC2 v1.95b) Game crashed while Nuclear Reactor Gui was shown.

  • Description of crash: A Minecraft crash has occured while an inventory screen was shown while playing the game.

    What the player was doing up to the point the game crashed:
    The player (Tag360), making a new world that is city themed, started making a building, made some "power lines" (using MFS Units, Iron Fences, and Fiber Glass Cables), then started and finished making a second building. Later, the player was building a storage aray, then started making a Nuclear reactor building. While the player was working in a Nuclear reactor GUI, Minecraft crashed with this error report at 6/18/12 8:36 AM:

    This crash, and a previous crash with an error report that is simlar to this error report, also occured while a nuclear reactor inventory screen was shown, may be caused by the NotEnoughItems mod, or a conflict with it and some other mod in the "Mods loaded" list, probly IndustrialCraft 2.