Description of crash: A Minecraft crash has occured while an inventory screen was shown while playing the game.
What the player was doing up to the point the game crashed:
The player (Tag360), making a new world that is city themed, started making a building, made some "power lines" (using MFS Units, Iron Fences, and Fiber Glass Cables), then started and finished making a second building. Later, the player was building a storage aray, then started making a Nuclear reactor building. While the player was working in a Nuclear reactor GUI, Minecraft crashed with this error report at 6/18/12 8:36 AM:
Mods loaded: 33
ModLoader 1.2.5
mod_CodeChickenCore 0.5.2
mod_IC2 v1.95
mod_IC2AdvancedMachines v4.0
mod_IC2_ChargingBench 1.95b
mod_zAdvancedSolarPanel v3.0.0
mod_BuildCraftCore 3.1.5
mod_BuildCraftBuilders 3.1.5
mod_BuildCraftEnergy 3.1.5
mod_BuildCraftFactory 3.1.5
mod_BuildCraftTransport 3.1.5
mod_Transformers v1.2
mod_BuildCraftSilicon 3.1.5
mod_Railcraft 5.2.0
mod_stevescarts 1.2.0
mod_NotEnoughItems 1.2.2
mod_RedPowerControl 2.0pr5b1
mod_RedPowerCore 2.0pr5b1
mod_RedPowerLighting 2.0pr5b1
mod_RedPowerLogic 2.0pr5b1
mod_RedPowerWiring 2.0pr5b1
mod_RedPowerWorld 2.0pr5b1
mod_RedPowerMachine 2.0pr5b1
mod_ElementalCreepers 1.2.5
mod_CompactSolars 2.2
mod_MineLittlePony Mine Little Pony 1.2.3 for ModLoader
mod_DoggyTalents 1.2.5
mod_ModularForceFieldSystem 1.2 Beta 6pre3_2
mod_IC2NuclearControl v1.1.9
mod_ZZZMissile 0.89
mod_SeedManager v2.4
Minecraft has crashed!
Minecraft has stopped running because it encountered a problem.
--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT 27239b3d --------
Generated 6/18/12 8:36 AM
Minecraft: Minecraft 1.2.5
OS: Windows 7 (x86) version 6.1
Java: 1.7.0_02, Oracle Corporation
VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (mixed mode, sharing), Oracle Corporation
LWJGL: 2.4.2
OpenGL: Intel Pineview Platform version 1.4.0 - Build, Intel
at codechicken.nei.NEIController.replacementClickHandler(
at gb.a(
at vp.f(SourceFile:122)
at gb.f(
at vp.i(SourceFile:110)
at gb.i(
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.k(
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.x(
at Source)
--- END ERROR REPORT 1f30a2af ----------
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This crash, and a previous crash with an error report that is simlar to this error report, also occured while a nuclear reactor inventory screen was shown, may be caused by the NotEnoughItems mod, or a conflict with it and some other mod in the "Mods loaded" list, probly IndustrialCraft 2.