Display MoreI don't know if it's just happening to me, but whenever any kind of damage is "applyed" to the QuantumSuit, minecraft freeze and crash, mostly corrupting my save at the same time.
First, I though it was only the chestplate. Why ?: cause i swan in lava and minecraft crashed (also corrupted my save...) . Then, I started it back up, deleted the world, made another one, TMI'ed the QuantumSuit helmet, leggins and boots. Got into water, didnt crash and had infinite air. Good ! Then, I used the mining laser to try it. Everything good, until I used the explosion thingny. I was too close and it crashed (as I said, corruption happend and me was sad
So I concluded that it was the mining laser that was the problem. So I never used the explosive (
) thing again. Just recently, I had all of it on (helmet + legs + boots) and saw a surface dungeon. Surprised, I decided to remove the sand that was in the hole to see if the spawner was still alive. I changed the time to night to show the superiority of the QuantumSuit to these little
(skeleton, for those who didn't understand). And guess what ! I crashed -.-.
So yeah ! That covered my point pretty much. I really think it's a bug in the QuantumSuit, even though I didn't test out the NanoSuit.
My current mods are:
- BuildCraft 2.1.1 (all in, power source is pneumaticPowerFramework (engines))
- MCF 1.6
- Pokeball mod (idk which version)
- Portable Workkit (same)
- RedPower 1.7.0 (all the kit: core, array, wiring, etc.)
- Wireless Redstone
- Better Than Wolves (happened BEFORE I had it)
- And last but not least: IC2 !
Wrong board, this is the IC1 board.