[IC1.97] SMP Nullpointer exception frames and Miner

  • Hi

    When you move a miner with frames while it has the pipes extended, the server crashes and the client disconnects. In my case the whole construction with the miner was moving downwards into the pipes. I have not tested what happens if you move sidewards or upwards.

    Relevant mods:
    IC2 1.97
    RedPower 2 prerelease 5b2

        	at ic2.common.TileEntityMiner.mineBlock(TileEntityMiner.java:296)
        	at ic2.common.TileEntityMiner.mine(TileEntityMiner.java:232)
        	at ic2.common.TileEntityMiner.q_(TileEntityMiner.java:68)
        	at ge.f(World.java:1608)
        	at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:561)
        	at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:448)
        	at dn.run(SourceFile:492)
