Bug: water mills not working correctly

  • I just installed industrialcraft 2 v1.97 on ssp (client)
    i first opened up creative and tried placing a few water mills to check out the mod.
    this is what happened: i first connected the water mill (placed in water) to a batbox with a glass fibre cable (2 blocks length). i saw the box was recieving power. but then i removed the cable, and the batbox was still recieving power ( wasn't connected to the mill). it kept recieving power and it never stopped until i destroyed the water mill. but even after that every time i try to reconnect it to another water mill it won't recieve any power anymore unless i destroy it and place it again. is this a known bug or anything because i never found something like this reported even after i searched the forums. any idea on how to fix this?

    BTW: i use forge 3.3.7

    thanks for any help

  • thanks first of all for help sry couldn't reply sooner

    yea i tried that version of forge, didnt solve the problem
    i think i should say to you that this problem was bugging me ever since i first installed ic2 on mc 1.0 if i remember correctly, the water mills never worked correctly with the water source blocks (buckets work normally)

    maybe it has something to do with creative being used?