Hey guy's, im fairly new to the nuclear side of Industrialcraft, but I am keen to learn! What I want to know is if this: http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…ty2vpw0awc06lhj86bognh1z4
can be improved in any way in terms of reducing resources. The things I require of it is that it produces at least 12,000 E/U total, it only requires 1 extra chamber (none is even better), it has 22 water in the external environment and that it is a Mark I-0, due to limited resources of my survival world and all that. Any suggestions are appreciated, thanks in advance!!

Mark I-0 Reactor Producing 12,000 E/U?
With such limitations, this -http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…p1sydsyj16cej3kj2lu9d8hfk, two plating instead of three HD.
But if you drop 22 water limit, even one chamber would suffice - http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…fyfuuhzmi3ueswsex611j1c8w
Not even plating is needed http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…vs22y2wr7cckzi8prz0bblmbk
Thank you both of you, helped loads!
and i can't remove the 22 block limit because of the redstone i have connected to shut it off when my storage is full
Pro-tip: nuclear reactor can be switched off by redstoning block ADJACENT to core, be it chamber or cobblestone. And, you can get electricity from one of chambers, instead of core. So, you can have 24 blocks of water for eu- and restone wired zero chamber, and no "wasted" blocks at all for two chambers and up.
Pro-tip: nuclear reactor can be switched off by redstoning block ADJACENT to core, be it chamber or cobblestone. And, you can get electricity from one of chambers, instead of core. So, you can have 24 blocks of water for eu- and restone wired zero chamber, and no "wasted" blocks at all for two chambers and up.
ah ok, well with the current state of my minecraft world, i can't get the materials for two chambers but the getting the EU from the chamber i have is a great idea!
im not 100% sure if changing the subject of the thread slightly is allowed, but now i have my reactor set up, where would i go in terms of increasing the E/U of my reactor? I have 2 extra chambers spare, and this is the current set up i am using :http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…vs22y2wr7cckzi8prz0bblmbk
please try and keep it an I-0, water and all the other factors are no longer a concern, just as long as the EU/t increasesEDIT: This was the best I could come up with: http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…zrar30st0zhjarf94zoc4u9kw
Eff 1 - http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…ui4ap8cfxtayyaad6ffacmz9c
Eff 1.25 (can still be considered mark 1) - http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…43f2rnbocml4esbskcghqnjeo -
sorry to ask so much of the people on here, there is quite a steep learning curve when it comes to nuclear engineering haha! does anyone have a way they could improve upon this design in any way at all? I plan to upgrade to this: http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…8m30p268og0k5r5ztiebtab5s
but is there any way i could increase the EU output (don't want it any lower than that) or reduce the resources required, but still keeping it a mark II at the most? thanks for your time -
For slightly more resources you could build two of these (taken from Rick's thread) and get 10 more EU/t. Rick's thread also has some good short-cooldown Mk IIs.
it hs been improved to be even cheaper http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…8g2me6s69yvc2od1my1isu2bk