When I was building my windmill tower, I noticed something REALLY strange. My windmills didn't work (they couldn't even start charging battery) higher, than ~160. Is that a bug or why?

1.106 Windmills
Sure its not due to Cable length? http://wiki.industrial-craft.n…le=Cable#Cable_Efficiency
How far away is it from the nearest energy storage device? and what cables are you using?
Glass fiber ~20 long, then MV transformer, than loooong way to the bottom. but it matters not, as even if all energy is wasted in cables, batteries INSIDE windmills ALWAYS charge. In my situation, they do not =\
There was a bug back in 1.103 with windmills not working when their eu is high. So, for example, column could work ok in normal weather, but in rain top half was giving 0 eu/t AND was gradually breaking.
Probably it still persists. -
Thats not it. I had them in normal temp and by spanx tut safe height is at 234 (or so) and not ~160. I dunno as I started new world
And there are cases that wind strength is too low to output energy which are rare, but not impossible. Main cause of people reporting "My windmills are not outputting any energy, what should i do!?"
You can also try measuring windmill directly (waiting several seconds) to get an average of 200+ ticks.
And there are cases that wind strength is too low to output energy which are rare, but not impossible. Main cause of people reporting "My windmills are not outputting any energy, what should i do!?"
You can also try measuring windmill directly (waiting several seconds) to get an average of 200+ ticks.
Than how can you explain, that (example) at height of 162 they charge battery and at the height of 163 the don't? I could understand the OPPOSITE.
Still strange, but I moved to a new world and everything is like, okayBy the way, there is friggin cheat with mythcraft, as it can make a 128-high world and you can just use 1,5 stack of cables instead of 2,5 (which is quite a difference in midgame)