Effective from now on, you may redistribute IC²'s original download (in any combination with other files or mods) in the form of 'ModPack's, without requesting explicit permission in advance, as long as following conditions are met:
- You must explicitely state, on the website, thread, blog or other public location (further referred to as 'location'), the presence of IC² in your modpack in a readable and user-understandable manner and English language (usage of multiple languages, including at least one English translation, is permitted).
- Either the download or the location must contain some sort of 'Credit's, listing up the 'IC² Dev Team' (this term is considered sufficient, it is not necessary to label the members of the Dev Team by name) as creator of IC².
- A link to http://www.industrial-craft.net/ or http://forum.industrial-craft.net/ must be present, user-visible, at the location of publication.
- You may not gain any direct revenue associated with the download of any data containing the redistributed IC² files. This literally applies to AdFly, but as well to other advertisment services, including those services basing revenue of website traffic.
- We may revoke the redistribution permissions or change the conditions at any time
You may contact me (aka Alblaka), head of the IC² Dev Team, to negotiate conditions different from those specified above, if the necessarity arises.