
  • Hi,I thought it would be great to have a quantum gun, because that would add more excitement to a server with IC2, because it would allow users to have at least a chance against someone whit an quantum armor.
    This weapon, as I imagined, would have tremendous power, but it would be tremendously expensive, more expensive than a quantum armor, so would not be easy to get one. But it could destroy quantum armors after several shots (I thought it could be 30 shots). I imagined it basing on the Halo Spartan laser MinecraftNotch


    • Official Post

    Sorry, but all weapon suggestions have been denied for now until the legendary industrial conflict "expansion" comes.
    Too lazy to look for any other weapon suggestion, but this time suggestion compendium saved me this time.

    I've already said before but here it is again : please use the kinda hidden search function. (It is at top right corner in IC² logo)
    My suggestion to devs : rework new user system (idea here)
    Question to Alblaka : Am i doing my job right? I hope so, if not pm me =D .