Mk I EB - No Diamond, No Reflectors, No ongoing Copper, Cheap

  • http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…93wp1e2kgklhc90sv3uwq4y68

    Uranium Sticks: 8 Singles
    Efficiency: 3.5
    Chambers: 3
    Cost: 395 Copper, 31 Tin, 145 Iron, 36 Gold, 37 Rubber

    This is my new reactor design, it produces 140 EU/t which is enough to run a nice sized estate and have a good portion left over for UU Matter. If more power is needed I'd just reproduce more cores since this one is so cheap. I also restricted the design to no diamond since I've normally got other uses for my precious shineys. Whilst I have a bigger design that does use Quad and Dual cores ( Efficiency 4.67, Effective Efficiency 3.78 ) this design was meant to be cheap and still reach a respectable 3.5 efficiency.

    I'd REALLY appreciate any improvements people can suggest, whilst I'm happy with my design I'm sure it can be better. However, please read the below note before suggesting I add in reflectors/duals/quads.

    NOTE: When calculating a reactors efficiency I first deduct the EU requirement to reproduce the copper required to run each cycle from the total EU produced. This means any reactor with Dual/Quad/Reflectors often have efficiencies 20-30% lower than what they claim.

    Total Produced Power Reductions:
    Dual: 800,000 EU
    Quad: 4,000,000 EU
    Reflector: 1,200,000 EU (Excluding Coal Dust)
    Thick Reflector: 4,000,000 EU (Excluding Coal)