The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny

  • Rules: You post a bit of a story. The story is about people beating each other up, detonating bombs, and being totally badass. You may use both fictional and real characters. If a character is killed, he/she/it goes on a list in this post, and if a character is killed, it may not be used again. Ever. You don't need to have a character killed off, and you do not need to introduce new characters in every post. Absolutely no alliancess between characters. Ever. Everybody hates each other. Inspired by this video: The Ultimate Showdown.

    The Fallen:
    A guy called Joseph
    The BLU sniper

    Age: 16. Favourite school subject: Physics/Chemistry.

    The IC2 forums could really use a lot more of [REDACTED], [DATA EXPUNGED] and ████████.

    I'm in a so called "after-school". It's freaking fantastic and nowhere near as boring as normal school!

    Edited 3 times, last by wasmic ().

  • I'll start.
    Location: London
    Ethan Hunt is climbing on the face of the Big Ben, but nobody knows why. He stands on one of the arms, when suddenly the RED Soldier rocket jumps all the way up to him. The soldier hits Ethan with a shovel, but Ethan draws out a gun and starts shooting. Meanwhile, Batman pulls out a gear, making the hands turn, sending the Soldier and Ethan plummeting. Ethan activates his parcute, and the Soldier shoots a rocket into the ground, stopping his fall.

    Age: 16. Favourite school subject: Physics/Chemistry.

    The IC2 forums could really use a lot more of [REDACTED], [DATA EXPUNGED] and ████████.

    I'm in a so called "after-school". It's freaking fantastic and nowhere near as boring as normal school!

  • josephs wanders the streets rushing, the people walking bump into him. he suddenly stops hiding behind a building. he checks his watch suddenly a mask figure starts to talking to some thugs on the other side the buiding. joseph creeps in the shadows, slowly getting closer and closer and closer until he drew a perfect eged blade with shining glow to it out of his arm. the flesh and veins hanging out, the blood ran down his arm but this did not matter. he stuck the blade into the masked man. a scream of a thousand souls from the future cried. he unleashed the chaos inside of him, the shadows growed around him. MADNESS he could not take but he just walked away like nothing happened checking his watch, 9:30. the phone rang from his pocket. he picked it up. the blood dripped onto it as he answered. the voice from the other said " you must stop this, you i mean me must stop this. am chaos which is you. YOU must stop what will happen. take the purple substance out from your pocket" joseph did not remember putting anything in his pocket. the voice said suddenly "time travel anyway pour it on the floor then put yours and your enemy's blood onto it" the phone went crackly and the voice hung up. the substance suddenly started to climb up to the arm that he ripped the dagger out. the substance started to heal the arm but it was all chaotic and purple like. a voice from behind said " you are me and am you. theres no time to explain you are being hunted" joseph questioned " why cant you, i mean i cant do it" voice smurked " this has already happened i cant change that" joseph turned around to see it was the masked man but different. the man lifted the mask off, that was no man. what was joseph going to become. "at great comes great cost" the thing suddenly vanished. joseph hid his arm out sight trying to forgot what happened. was it just a messed up dream?

  • BANG! A shot sounds, and Joseph's head falls off. The BLU sniper scored another kill. Behind him, a shadow was sneaking, and a moment later, the sniper was stabbed in the back by Wolverine.

    Age: 16. Favourite school subject: Physics/Chemistry.

    The IC2 forums could really use a lot more of [REDACTED], [DATA EXPUNGED] and ████████.

    I'm in a so called "after-school". It's freaking fantastic and nowhere near as boring as normal school!

  • Two Usurpation soldiers, armed to the teeth, parachute down behind Wolverine, who lunges forward and twists his claws into the first Usurper's torso, severely wounding it. As Usurper 1 spills dark-blue blood onto the asphalt, the other one arms its Overmodified/WayTooOP CS-BNG and fires directly at Wolverine. Both Wolverine and Usurper 1 are killed, as their atoms are split into a proton/neutron soup in the explosion of green plasma. Usurper 2 is slung off of the building by the explosion, and he eventually lands in a fountain somewhere a few blocks away. Usurper 2 is overwhelmed in pain, and passes out temporarily.
    Meanwhile, both the RED Soldier and Ethan are in the crater (made by both rockets the Soldier shot at the ground) outside Big Ben, fighting. They are both out of ammunition, but the Soldier wields the rocket-launcher as a bludgeon, and deals a blow to Ethan's left shoulder, which is instantly dislodged. Ethan uses his Right arm to remove the key from an incendiary/explosive grenade, of which he drops into the sewers exposed at the bottom of the crater. The Soldier hits Ethan in the head with the end of the rocket launcher, and his skull is busted by the hit. His brain is crushed and he dies instantly. As soon as the RED soldier begins to laugh, the incendiary grenade detonates, and the smirk is wiped from his face - in a massive burst of superhot liquid sludge and fire, that is - and him and his smirk are consumed in the inferno. Cascading explosions ring out for miles along the sewer network. Usurper 2 awakens, from the sound of the explosions...