I mine it by hand.
Posts by wasmic
Can anyone think of any odd generator types? IC2 has pretty much all of them apart from oil and gas.
Perhaps a thermopile? The only logical generator I could think of that is worth using.
Antimatter is simply unviable as it would need to be extracted out of the magnetosphere, which would take a huge amount of time and effort
Some kind of solar boiler I guess, creating steamIt might be a better idea to focus on the whole steam thing anyway though, for the nuclear reactors.
A fart generator! Oh, right, GregTech already has that one. A solar boiler sounds pretty rad, though.
I have stated this before, a place to upload and view maps would be a benefit
You know, this is a "for fun" thread, right? -
We should have a "Lock out the moderators" button.DATA EXPUNGEDEDIT: Sirus, you're doing it all wrong, it's calledd [DATA EXPUNGED] and is placed in the middle of a sentence.
Why am I even writing this? It should be able to read my thoughts and autowrite that.
Is there any tech that you really want on the forums? Post it here!
This forum seriously needs more pylons.
And the Fluxlectric Omniwrench
Seems like I'll need to install yet another mod. Oh well, I've only got 63 installed right now, my record is somewhere above 100. -
I believe this has been suggested to death over and over again. Except for the fact that there'd be radioactivity.
I don't believe there should be anything only achievable through exploration, and I don't think there should be machines or loot. But a radioactive shell of reinforced stone here and there would be really cool.
Waitwaitwaitwait... what Smash Bros. game is that? I haven't seen that background or that dog before. It doesn't look like Brawl. Is there something I haven't been told???
They ruined it... FOR EVAAAAR!EDIT3: At least they added MegaMan. Props to nintendo for that.
Oh, and check out the Thermal Expansion license, those guys actually hit that sweet spot between nihilism and being nice.
QuoteLicense and Modpacks
We've had a LOT of requests for something formal up here as well as tons of modpack requests, and we're grateful for the community's enthusiasm for the mod. Thank you.
So here you go.
CoFHLib License
The intention of the CoFH Common Library is to establish a framework for modders to use to avoid "reinventing the wheel," as it were. This library contains a lot of basic functionality that quite a few mods end up adding at some point during their development. It is released under LGPLv3. You can find the GitHub here
Thermal Expansion License
Thermal Expansion is a mod for an awesome game (MineCraft) made possible by a fantastic API (Forge) and the efforts of a lot of really great coders (not us) who contribute a LOT to the community. The fact that Mojang is willing to allow mods to their game combined with the efforts of those who make the community what it is means that any sort of legal, enforceable claim over the contents of this mod is absurd.Having said that, I (King Lemming) am somewhat particular about my code and this started as a personal project to learn Java. I request that anyone who decompiles Thermal Expansion please ask first. Realistically, I have no way of stopping you and do not plan on being a jerk and obfuscating the code, so fire away I guess, but a courtesy ping would be nice. Also, if you copy any features or ideas from what you glean from the code, I also request that you give credit for said ideas or features.
Regarding Modpacks
This is the Internet. Even if you don't like us (we still like you, really) for some reason, we can't (and wouldn't) stop you and maintain any semblance of a moral high ground, so have fun. Permission granted. This was made to be played, after all.A courtesy notification is definitely appreciated, as well as a link to the wiki. As a consideration to the community, I would request that you make all possible efforts in order to comply with the respective licenses and terms of all other mods in your pack.
If anything here is not acceptable to you (not sure what), please feel free to contact us and we can work something out.
EDIT: Oh, and can anybody tell me what Redstone Arsenal does?
You really need to add this stuff as a yellow dye: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yellowcake
So... what happened to thermal expansion? And I haven't been able to claim the Mün for GregoriousT yet, sadly. I'm VERY busy with school.
Oh you mean the one I made like half a year ago? :3
Lol, didn't even notice your post. Tonight, GregTech Intergalactical shall expand its influence to the KERBALS! They might be able to teach you a bit about explosions, Greg. Your company has woefully few explosives. -
Kerbal space program is awesome. They released a version that adds a tech tree and research. As I'm a complete noob at docing so I can't really make an orbital research lab I'll just build 1700 ton rockets to launch my entire lab (~150 tons) to space and brings it back after research is done. That thing could probably get the lab to Eve if I'd plan my ascent angles better
I agree. That game eats my time for breakfast. BTW, does anybody have a 160*256 gregtech flag png lying around? I'd be more than happy to plant it on the Mün. Or Minmus or Duna. -
24 oct upd for 1.6.4 and ic2 exp plz
NEVER ask for updates, Rikka0_0 makes this mod and gives it to you for free. The update will come when the update comes. -
I do not understand why people keep blaming Jeb for making the game an RPG. First, Minecraft is still very much a sandbox. Second, Notch only handed minecraft over to Jeb AFTER adding the Enderdragon, potions and enchantments. Jeb, meanwhile, has been adding automation to vanilla minecraft. Before version β1.8 and 1.0, minecraft was going the technological direction with Minecarts, redstone, pistons and other things.
I heard something about new GT ores. What are they? What are they used for?
centrifuge former and washer recipes wont appear in NEI ever if you manage to run ic2 with nei, nuke stats also wont appear, some coding required for this.
Save this post forever, RawCode said something that wasn't rude!
I started feeling sick. A cleaverbot rushed right towards me, though, so I had to concentrate. I grapped my rifle, but realized that I could not get a hold on the trigger with my fingers having turned to claws. I dropped the gun and brought my hands up in front of me, tearing the round-saw arm off of the bot. A fistfight started, me and the bot exchanging blows. It had one more arm than me, though, and dangerous weapons build in in all of them. I successfully parried its blows - but then I felt a jab of pain in my back. It had driven its tail around me and stabbed me in the back. I pulled its spiked tail out of me and yanked in it, sending the cleaverbot off its feet. I dived at it, ready to drive my claws into the bot. It lashed out with its blade-arm, but because it hit my exoskeleton in a very flat angle, it bounced right off again. I hit its CPU when I drove my claws into it, shutting it down instantly. I rose, saw that the 4 remaining of my squadsmen had secured the area, and then started feeling my wounds as the adrenaline rush subsided. And then I died.
No one ever gets used to dying, no matter how many times it happens.
I woke up in the RESPAWN chamber, in my real body this time. I exited the chamber and saw the man, I think he was called Larren, who had been liquefied by the unstable magic. He was whole again, thanks to the RESPAWN system. Howeve, when I was about to leave the chamber and head for the teleporters, ready to join the fray again, I was stopped by a nurse, who said that I had to go into a room and lay down on the bed. I told her to move away, that I had a battle to fight, but she would not move, and pulled a syringe gun, threatening to shoot me with a sleep agent if I didn't lay down. I did as she wanted. When I was in the bed, she gave me a sleep drug.
About an hour or so later, when I woke up, she brought me the results of my DNA test: They would not be able to replace the instability suppressors. I would have to live with both the good and the bad effects of unstable genetics. -
Why is the mobile power supply in the "entertaining part" category?