I'm a bit confused about the breeders...
The thread tells that this is the best breeder:
but if I understand correctly that one only makes 160 cells per cycle so 800 cells for 5 cycles.
And deeper in the thread there's this Thorium based breeder that makes 1756 cells in one 5xlong cycle.
That makes it twice as fast ...or am i missing something?

Best breeder
I'm a bit confused about the breeders...
The thread tells that this is the best breeder:
but if I understand correctly that one only makes 160 cells per cycle so 800 cells for 5 cycles.
And deeper in the thread there's this Thorium based breeder that makes 1756 cells in one 5xlong cycle.
That makes it twice as fast ...or am i missing something?
The first reactor uses no GregTech components, and thus is for those who don't have/use GregTech.
The second reactor uses Thorium, which is from GregTech, which not everyone uses.Due to that, yeah, the second reactor is definitely the way to go, if you have GregTech. If you don't, you don't have the key ingredient.
the second one is staring quad cells while the first one only has 2 single cells.
4<2 so yea the thorium breeder is better
Ask yourself though if you really need that much breeding speed. The quad thorium breeder will give you one re-enriched isotope every 28.5 seconds. Considering the shortest possible burntime you can have in a nuclear reactor is 10,000 seconds, you would need many dozen reactors running side by side to consume fuel at anywhere near the speed this breeder outputs it.
And of course you'd need more than three stacks of uranium (220 ingots) to provide even one single cycle's worth of isotopes for the breeder.
I don't plan to use the re-enriched cells as uranium fuel...i will centrifuge them to get Th and Pu and use the fuel in 15 4-chamber reactors running the Th neutral hybrid setup that's posted in the reactors post. That also saves me quite a bit of coal dust and allows me to take advantage of the current mechanics ( I am playing on a mindcrack server so we're on 1.4.7 ). I wanna do this build now before the pack updates to 1.5.1 so I can have some fun with these OP hybrids.
Also at the beginning I will only run the breeder when running out of fuel...not always...in time as i get more reactors I'll prolly end up using it's full potential.
I am fully aware of the U cost to run that beast but i plan to buy U from other players...not everyone uses reactors (lots of solarheads out there)...I myself was processing my U ore in the begining and selling the Pu for Ir to a neighbour that runs a similar setup but he runs a Th positive reactor so he would always need the extra Pu...main reason why I have stockpiles of U and Th cells which I'm burning through right now.
Between the fact that the breeder can take 25 worker reactors on it's own and the fact that i also get U ore and Coal ore when i go mining which I then grind I think that I'll be able to get away with running the breeder just half the time with 15 workers.
But then again...maybe I'll build more than 15 workers....and when the pack updates and hybrids are nerfed Ill use the breeder to get U cells and switch all the workers to single cell U setup which eats up 10 cells per cycle.
Overall the 1800 copper will not be wasted even if i don't use it full time from the beginning.